
Thursday, November 13, 2014

SugarCRM Diagram: Multiple Server Deployment (Basic)

A few weeks ago we looked at an example of a very basic topography one can use to deploy Sugar 7. Along the way we also looked at the advantages and disadvantages of such configurations. Today we will look at a slightly more complicated setup.

The diagram below illustrates a deployment implemented across multiple servers. While there are many variations to this concept, the one illustrated in this diagram is the most basic.

Sugar 7.x Multiserver Deployment
You will notice there are three different servers in use by this model. Despite this fact, all SugarCRM users only directly access one of those servers, the web server.

This is an important point, as it directly affects the security of the system. Using a multiserver configuration similar to that depicted in the image above allows us to limit access to the Elasticsearch and MySQL servers to only the web server. Those restrictions can be easily implemented through firewall rules.