
Monday, July 15, 2019

SugarCRM Customization: Sending Emails - New and Improved

It seems like an eternity since I posted examples on programmatically sending emails through Sugar.

As some of you might have already correctly surmised, a number of changes have occurred to Sugar since those blog entries were written. One of the major additions to Sugar since then has been SugarBPM, which itself includes an email template engine.

Let us revisit the original problem of programmatically sending emails and examine how we can accomplish the same via SugarBPM. This time around, we will assume our intention is to send an email about an Account record.

We will first need to create the email template containing the content to be sent. Said template can be static or, if desired, may also include references to specific fields from the target module, to be parsed at send time. For our example, we may wish to make an email template that reads as follows:

ACME Corporation
123 Main Street
Some City, CA 90000

...but rather than typing specific values, we would instead insert references to the corresponding fields that contain the values we want from the Accounts module -- our Target Module. That would make the template much more flexible.

Note that the process of creating such a template for SugarBPM differs than that for a standard email template. To create an email template for SugarBPM, select Process Email Templates from the Sugar navigation bar and then click Create. Further information pertaining to this process can be found here: