
Thursday, July 5, 2012

SugarCRM Video Tutorial: Installing on TMDHosting

One of the more common problems that I notice among would be users of SugarCRM relates to difficulties installing the application. Ironically, some of the confusion surrounding the process is a result of a strength in SugarCRM -- its openness, not necessarily complexity in the process itself.

By openness, I am referring to its ability to be installed on just about every imaginable server environment. To give you a sampling, SugarCRM can be used in conjuction with Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OS X, Solaris; on dedicated servers, shared hosting accounts, virtual machines (e.g. VMWare, VirtualBox), Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and on and on.

The great thing about this flexibility is that it allows us to make our own infrastructure choices, rather than having them imposed on us. But this is a dual edged sword, as it impossible for the folks at SugarCRM to provide detailed installation instructions for every imaginable server environment.

However, if you happen to be using a shared hosting account from, you are in luck. I have prepared a video that will walk you through the process of installing SugarCRM Community Edition on a TMDHosting shared account.

In the tutorial, we will assume SugarCRM is to be installed such that it can be accessed via a URL/address similar to the following:

You will likely want to change that to something friendlier, such as after you complete the install. That change can be made via the Subdomains tool provided on your TMDHosting account, but the video will not walk you through that process.

For more generic installation instructions, visit at, but do keep in mind that given the number of potential server environments that can be used, it is unrealistic to expect detailed instructions for each one. Regardless, the information provided should be of assistance.


  1. Thanks Angel! What from the SugarCRM product side could be done to make the installation easier on TMDHosting?

    1. The main thing that comes to mind would be adding some method for auto creating the DB on the fly, so it works the same way as it does for other installs where one has full control over the SQL server.

      But I know that's a tricky subject given the constraints, so it is unlikely there is anything that can be done on the Sugar side to address it.

      One potentially helpful adjustment would to be perhaps have a page in the install wizard that asks if it is being installed on a shared hosting account and with which provider, and have TMD as one of the options. That in turn would translate to automatically changing the DB hostname to and prompting them for their account user name so as to append it to the default database and database user name that is displayed on that same page.

  2. Hello, my name is Francisco and I'm a developer spanish guy and I know that I'm going to do it's wrong but I'm desesperate. Can you check my post on Sugar's forum?

    Really thank you altough I don't have answer.

    1. I am having a difficult time understanding what it is you've done or are trying to do. Feel free to post your message in Spanish, in the Spanish forums, or even here if you like. I am fluent in Spanish as well.

  3. Lo primero, muchas gracias por contestar y además darme la oportunidad de que me explique en español.

    El problema que tengo es a la hora de intentar guardar los datos de algún usario en Sugar que ya esté creado y esté tenga más de dos direcciones de correo. Me explico, estoy haciéndolo a través de SOAP con php, con la librería nusoap.

    Y a la hora de moficar un usuario que ya esté en la base de datos de Sugar, buscando su id por ejemplo por la dirreción de correo. Luego hacer un set_entry y pasarle el id, y los datos que quiero modificar cuando relleno algún campo para que se actualice si ese usuario en sugar tiene por ejemplo 4 o 5 direcciones de correo, se le borran todas menos las dos primeras, la principal y la secundaria. Y no puedo permitirme perder el resto de direcciones de correo. Eso me pasa siempre que uso la función set_entry de nusoap.

    No se si me explicado del todo bien, en caso de que tenga más dudas sobre mi problema estaré encantado de explicarselo con más claridad o si necesita más datos o más información.

    Muchas gracias de ante-mano

    1. De nada.

      Ya entiendo el problema. A mi me suena como falla en el API. Seguro ud. ya se entero que via el API solo se puede manipular email1 y email2, cual corresponde con las dos direcciones que ud. menciona.

      Deberia registrar esta falla con Sugar, via

  4. Muchas gracias por la respuesta, si mas o menos tenía la idea de que era eso y no podía hacer mucho más. Quería la confirmación de un profesional como es usted.

    Gracias por todo.

  5. Hola Angel
    Tengo una consulta que no he podido resolver. Necesito modificar el popup para redactar correo en el módulo Bug, subpanel actividades. Tengo que dejar por defecto el correo de un usuario en el campo PARA y no logro dar con el código del popup, solo he encontrado código relacionado al módulo Emails, te agradezco me puedas dar una pista.

    1. Nunca le he dedicado mucho tiempo a esa parte del codigo, pero parece que ahi usa un control de Yahoo UI (YUI). Igual, existe un para la funcion SUGAR.quickCompose.init() donde se controla el Para. Seguro por ahi esta la respuesta.

      Parece que ese codigo esta en quickCompose.js.

    2. gracias Angel por tu pronta respuesta, seguiré tu segerencia, te agradezco tu ayuda.


  6. Hi Angel,

    Congratulations for your blog and your personal roadmap and carrier with the SugarCRM.

    I have seen your last video in your blog (installation of SugarCRM CE, permissions and scheduler).

    Since a one months ago, I’m a headache with the images (.png) of email template.

    If I send me (myself) an email with a template, it runs ok, but when I was scheduled the emails, the images don’t appear in the body of message and the SEND TEST MAIL neither run. The CRON run properly on the Server.

    There are some ERRORS in sugarcrm.log file, but I don’t know what’s the origin of problem.

    I repaired SugarCRM ...

    Finally, I gave permissions chmod –R 777 to all folder SugarCRM (htdocs, cache, includes, ...) Buff !!

    I have installed the sugar on Mac Os Server 10.8 (HOSTING)
    Sugar version CE 6.5.0
    PHP 5.3
    APACHE 2.2
    MYSQL 5.0

    Can you help me?
    I don’t know what’s the problem.
    Have you any idea?

    I can send you de sugarcrm.log and the phpinfo, and an example of email, if you need.

    Thanks a lot.

    Kind regads.


    1. When one uses an image in an email template, one is actually using a URL reference to that image, not actually embedding the image into the template.

      What this means is that a person reading a message that contains that image will not be able to see that image unless that person can also see the server on which the image resides. Typically one would put those images on a public portion of their web server, so as to eliminate any potential issues.

      It sounds to me as though you are insert images that are on your computer, thus when you read it, all is fine, but when others read it, it doesn't work correctly.

    2. Hi Angel,

      Certainly, when I send out the emails, the images don’t appear. Remotely (via browser for access to SugarCRM website, http:/mydomain/sugarcrm), when I create the template, I put the correct URL and I can view the images (remotely).
      The images are into the SugarCRM URL http:/mydomain:8080/sugarcrm/cache/images/imagetemplate.png, It Works! I can look the images.
      I will try put them into the Mac Web Server /Library/WebServer/Documents
      I can forward to you an example the email where don’t can see the images (send mail myself).

      Do you think that’s the solution?

      Thanks a lot for your support.

      Kind regards.


    3. That's OK, there is no need to include me, but it sounds like you are the right track.

  7. Hi,
    In the host, there's a webserver folder named /Documents with the user "_www".
    When I connect to Sugar, I open a session with a different user but with the same privileges (read and write). Any folder of SugarCrm have this user name.
    Do you think that apache fails with the distinct public user?
    I hope to be in the right track and to find the trick as soon as possible.

    1. I don't understand what you are referring to. I don't use a Mac, so I have no idea what a default folder mapping looks like on that operating system.

      That being said, perhaps I wasn't clear enough in my prior message. The issue is that when someone reads the message from outside your network, they need to have access to the location where that graphic is stored. If your Mac is not exposed to the public/internet, it is not going to work.

  8. Hello there, I want to make a suggestion dropdown in sugarcrm accounts module (Like we see in Facebook user search). So how can I do this in sugar. Does sugarcrm provide any similar thing or feature? or I will have to implement it by my own? Please reply

    Or mail me at

    1. Take a look at the Account Name field on a contact record. It does exactly what you are asking about.


Your comments, feedback and suggestions are welcome, but please refrain from using offensive language and/or berating others. Thank you in advance.